You can set a margin to an element instantly by using the following utilities classes.

.mg-l-20 (or) .ms-2
.mg-l-40 (or) .ms-4

You can also set a margin to a different media query using the following utilities classes.

Class Value

breakpoint: xs | sm | md | lg | xl

value: the margin value (refer to code above)


breakpoint: xs | sm | md | lg | xl

value: the margin value (refer to code above)

You can also set a margin to a different media query using the following utilities classes.

Class Value
.mg-t-auto (or) .mt-auto Set a top margin to auto
.mg-r-auto (or) .me-auto Set a right margin to auto
.mg-b-auto (or) .mb-auto Set a bottom margin to auto
.mg-l-auto (or) .ms-auto Set a left margin to auto

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Joyce Chua

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